The site lies at a depth of 37 to 39 metres, at the line between the rocky and sandy slopes of the sea bottom, at a distance of about 130 metres from the sea shore. It consists of a group of about 400 well-visible amphorae, typologically classified as the Lamboglia 2 type present in several variants. Judging by the basic shape characteristics, amphorae can be dated to the 1st century BC, i.e. at the time of the late Roman Republic. The amphorae are mostly covered with sea adhesions and are accreted in a compact whole. Only a small part is slightly offset from the main concentration of the finds.
At a distance of about 38 meters from the site, in the northeast direction, there is a 1.6 meters long lead stock of an antique lead-wood anchor, probably belonging to the same ship. In the immediate vicinity of the stock lies the base of a, not yet dated, larger ceramic vessel.
The layout of the find at the sea bottom points to the fact that it was not a cargo that spilled out of the ship, but in effect, sank together with the entire ship.
The length of the main amphora concentration is about 23-24 metres which points to a 25-30 metres long ship.
3D animation Letavica
3D model Letavica